Individual picks – the simplest path to becoming a Lotto millionaire
Would you like to become a millionaire, but you are not yet very familiar with Lotto? Or do you know your six numbers and your lucky number? Then an individual pick is just right for you.
If you are already registered with Swisslos and have a balance of at least CHF 5.00 in your game account, then an individual pick is the simplest way to participate in the Lotto. You choose 6 of 42 numbers and 1 of 6 lucky numbers per pick. You must fill out at least two picks to participate. After you have decided whether to play with or without Joker, all you need to do is state the number of draws in which your picks should participate. Some good advice from the Lotto millionaire: never mark numbers in a pattern on your play slip. If you do, you risk having to share any jackpot prize with others.
Step-by-step explanation
1. In the entry field, choose the numbers for your first Swiss Lotto pick. A pick always consists of 6 numbers (1-42) and 1 lucky number (1-6).
2. As soon as you have filled out a pick completely, a red button will appear to the right. If you would like to fill out a further pick, click on this button.
Note: You must fill out at least 2 picks, and you can submit a maximum of 14 picks per entry.
3. Click on “Next” when you have filled out the desired number of picks

Click on “Random numbers” and the pick is automatically filled out with randomly chosen numbers.
4. Choose whether you want to play Swiss Lotto with or without Joker. You can play up to 3 Joker numbers. Every Joker number costs CHF 2.00.
You will find more information on Joker under the corresponding menu item.
Note: You can also participate in Joker without participating in Swiss Lotto (that is, without entering picks).
5. Choose the number of successive draws in which you want to participate with your picks, or conclude a jackpot subscription.
With a jackpot subscription, your picks are played whenever the jackpot reaches the amount you have selected and you have enough money in your game account.
You will find more information on jackpot subscriptions under the corresponding menu item.

6. Then click on “Next”. The next page shows all your details again so that you can check that they are correct. Your picks will not be definitively entered until you click on “Play now”.
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